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      PURPOSE:  Plotting points, Line drawing, Stroke font text, turtle
                graphics, arcs, circles, patterns, etc. and fills for many
                graphic adapters.

      DRIVERS:  CGA, MCGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules, AT&T 400 line,
                3270 PC, IBM-8514

      REMARKS:  To compile a program that uses procedures or functions of
                the graph unit, be sure to include the appropriate graphics
                driver and/or font driver in the default path.  The graph
                drivers are separate files with the (.BGI) extension and the
                font files are also separate files with the (.CHR) extension.

                NOTE:  Persuant to the terms of the license agreement, you
                       may distribute the .BGI and .CHR files along with
                       your programs.

                           PROCEDURES and FUNCTIONS 
  Arc              Draws a circular arc from start angle to end angle, using
                   (x,y) as the center point
  Bar              Draws a bar using the current fill style and color
  Bar3D            Draws a 3-D bar using the current fill stlye and color
  Circle           Draws a circle using (x,y) as the center point
  ClearDevice      Clears the currently selected output device and homes the
                   current pointer (CP)
  ClearViewPort    Clears the current viewport
  CloseGraph       Closes the graphic system
  DetectGraph      Determines the graphics driver and mode to use through
                   hardware checks
  DrawPoly         Draws the outline of a polygon using the current line
                   style and color
  Ellipse          Draws an elliptical arc from start angle to end angle,
                   using (x,y) as the center point
  FillPoly         Fills a polygon using the current fill and color
  FloodFill        Fills a bounded area with the current flood pattern
  GetArcCoords     Returns information about the last arc command
  GetAspectRatio   Returns the effective resolution of the screen
                   From this the aspect ration is computed (Xasp, Yasp)
  GetBkColor       Returns the current background color
  GetColor         Returns the current color used for drawing
  GetFillSettings  Returns information about the current fill pattern & color
  GetGraphMode     Returns the current graphic mode
  GetImage         Saves a specified image into a buffer
  GetLineSettings  Returns information on the current line style, pattern,
                   size, and color
  GetMaxX          Returns the maximum X value of the current driver and mode
  GetMaxY          Returns the maximum Y value of the current driver and mode
  GetPalette       Returns information on the current palette
  GetPixel         Returns the pixel value of (X,Y)
  GetTextSettings  Returns information on the current text settings
  GetViewSettings  Returns information on the current viewport
  GetX             Returns the X coordinate of the current position
  GetY             Returns the Y coordinate of the current position
  GraphErrorMsg    Returns the error message string for the specified
                   error message code (ErrorCode)
  GraphResult      Returns the error value of the last graphics
  ImageSize        Returns the size in bytes required to store a
                   specified rectangular area of the screen
  InitGraph        Initializes the graphic system
  Line             Draws a line
  LineRel          Draws a line a relative distance from the current pointer
  LineTo           Draws a line from the current pointer to (X,Y)
  MoveRel          Moves the current pointer a relative distance
  MoveTo           Moves the current pointer to (X,Y)
  OutText          Outputs text to the current output device
  OutTextXY        Outputs text starting at (X,Y)
  PieSlice         Draws a pie slice using (X,Y) as the center
  PutImage         Places a bitimage onto the screen
  PutPixel         Places a pixel at (X,Y)
  Rectangle        Draws a rectangle
  RestoreCrt       Returns the CRT to the original mode detected at startup
  RestoreCrtMode   Restores the screen mode detected before graphics was
  SetActivePage    Sets the active page
  SetAllPalette    Changes all palette colors
  SetBkColor       Sets the background color
  SetColor         Sets the color for drawing
  SetFillPattern   Selects the pattern used for filling
  SetFillStyle     Sets the pattern used for filling
  SetGraphMode     Sets the system into a specified graphics mode
  SetLineStyle     Sets the current line width and line style
  SetPalette       Changes a specified color palette
  SetTextJustify   Sets text justification
  SetTextStyle     Sets the text font, style, and size
  SetViewPort      Sets the currents window for graphics
  SetVisualPage    Sets the graphics page
  TextHeight       Returns the height of the text
  TextWidth        Returns the width of the text

         NOTE:  Due to the complexities and variations of the procedures
                and functions of the graphics unit, only a brief listing has
                been given here.  For more information see the Turbo Pascal
                Reference portion of this guide.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson